You know your user needs, now you want to grow your impact...
…without drowning in meetings, spreadsheets and expenses.
You need a Software House focused on business and specialized on scaling.
Software Houses not focused on business develop state of art algorithms from scratch instead of use battle-proven tools.
Software Houses not specialized in scaling put your data to the second place when you have a massive amount of it.
This causes your application to be 25x expensive, 100x slower, and sometimes inconsistent.
Cases in 2024
Digital Transformation of Existent Business
We helped an Italian Language School to migrate from spreadsheets to database. Now, the student's reports collect data from 85 million rows in less than 5 seconds.
Technological Scale of Existent App
We helped to scale an American Shopify dashboard app, reducing 100x the amount of time of loading, which enabled the site to load before timeout for big clients with several sales.
Data Intensive Applications for B2B2C
We helped an American Sport Cards Marketplace to match 250 listings per second, and gather information about the best deal over the Internet.
Technology is the key for efficiency in the 21st century, but many businesses avoid it because of the risk of unpredictable costs.
Due naive choices, few projects fail and many projects only work with an burden to build and maintain (tech debt).
You can count on our 12+ years of experience to help you to navigate through the technology chaos cost-effectively.
Already interested?
Otherwise, let's grab a beer
Some people say they don't talk about them because the client don't care about technology and architecture.
As the total cost of ownership depends on the technology choices, we know that you want to make an informed decision.
We believe that we can sell good technology through the "Boteco analogy" to explain the overview of what you're buying.
Since Brazil remained internally united despite the size of our country, we believe we have scaling in our culture. In fact, the lower cost of living is consequence of the interesting strategies this country creates to scale. Our clients hired us because we offer cheaper technical hours than US or EU. But they stayed because we scaled their business when they were struggling to do it.
“Botecos” are a common low-cost bar in Brazil. Its secret is to simplify at the point the owner can't remove anything else from a tiny blackboard. If something can't be done simply and don't sell much, it won't worthy. In the same way, if you already know what your user needs, we can help you to plan the simplest way to offer it with building blocks that are only customized if necessary.
"Measure twice, cut once", "collaboration with the client" and "Java as a extensive and high performance platform"
PgAdmin ERD Tool
Java Language 17
Apache Maven 3.8
Java OpenJDK 17
Quarkus 3.8
“Boteco's” regular customers don’t care about fancy decorations, but care about good food and beverage. Similarly, if your user is looking for data and reports, it may be a good idea to avoid complex user interfaces that can be hard to integrate with other systems and can shift the focus of what matter the most.
JavaScript free, thin-client, ultra simple user interface that can be used both by humans or as an API without extra effort
Apache Camel Quarkus 3.8
Bootstrap 5
XML 1.1
XSL 1.0
Web 1.0
The waiter is the soul of the "boteco". Normally the owner set the customer service culture by his own example, but is the waiter's authenticity that makes it natural. In parallel, instead of managing thousands of rules and exceptions, it's often practical to define case scenarios and let the rules be automatically generated to conform to it.
Data-Driven Automated Testing and Code Generator Pipeline to create rules by example instead by micromanaging
Bash 5.2
GAWK 5.2
SED 4.9
APT 2.6
GIT 2.39
“Feijoada” is one typical meal. A heavenly good one has a very specific recipe, with specific ingredients, mixed in the right measure and order. The secret sauce to scale a business is to have a clear definition of the business domain. We can help to define unambiguous names and rules for the moving parts of your business, so you don't have too many exceptions and manual actions.
SQL language to describe your business domain with expressiveness
Decision Making (OLAP, DQL)
Value Expression
Table Join
Common Table Expression
Recursive CTE
Analytical Functions
Grouping Sets
Set Operations
List Operations
Customized Functions
Decision Tables
Expert System
Conflict Management (OLTP, DDL, DCL)
Primary Keys
Unique Keys
Compound Keys
Foreign Keys
Domain Keys
Surrogate Keys
Natural Columns
Identity Columns
Data Domain
Execution Plan
Permission Control
Row Level Security
Problem Solving (ETL, DML, TCL)
Stored Procedures
The clear definition of specific ingredients also enables a region with optimal weather to specialize on certain products and to take advantage of the scale economy. Conversely, if your data isn't grouped and structured, it will be slow to query. A well designed relational database outperforms a naive design while avoid the non-relational databases hidden complexity.
Ultra powerful relational database powered up by SQL language and specialized storage services
PostgreSQL 15
SQL Language
IONOS Object Storage
IONOS Block Storage
IONOS Backup Storage
The crops take 1 years to grow, but it takes only 1 day to the "boteco" to prepare the meal. The slowest part is improved by centralizing the production and using a flexible mesh of trucks to delivery it fresh. The Web also enables you to have huge centralized server and thin clients. This focus on speed up the slowest part of the process, resulting in efficiency and cost savings.
Secure, robust, monolithic, centralized server with ultra high throughput, that not break the bank
Linux 6.1
Debian Linux 12
Apache HTTPD 2.4
KeyCloak 26
IONOS Observability
In conclusion, technology is all about cost. You can't make profit if your system only works with a lot of technical hours and expensive infrastructure. If you're willing to scale your business on budget, you need someone that worker smarter, not harder. For a business system, you can save a lot of technical hours by telling the computer WHAT you want (using Bash, PosrgreSQL and Camel) and let it figure out HOW to achieve it. For scaling scenario, you can save a lot in the infrastructure bill by having a huge database that centralize the data and the most of workload.
* we provide means to integrate with external systems, but not any extra external systems itself beyond the simple web interface already mentioned in the beginning of this article. I. e. we will provide a simple web interface, but we won't provide a mobile app. If you already have a mobile app, we can help integrate it with the main system.